Pastor Jonel gave me an assignment to look for the minus of the song “When God Ran”. I have no idea of what this song is all about. I decide to check it on I was so amazed when I heard it. I broke up in tears and there something in my heart that the song have touch. When I check on the lyrics I saw myself during the times that I felt so far from the Lord.  I was not God who went away. It was me. But then again the Lord patiently waited on me. When He saw I was coming He even run and hugged me and yes He  assured me how much He loves me through His word – The Bible.
Lord thank you. You done great things in my life yet there were still times that I turned my back on you. Thank you for your great and never ending love. Thank you for your great faithfulness. Thank you for remaining the same. You love and your grace over flows in my life. Lord thank you because you never run away from me. Instead you draw Yourself loser to me.  Lord you know what is in my heart. More than anyone else you knew me from the start. Give me a faithful heart that never depart from you. I want to be with you. I want to serve you forever. May your will be done in my life always. Amen. 
When God Run  by Philip, Craig and Dean

Almighty God, the great I am 
Immovable rock, omnipotent,
powerful, awesome Lord 
Victorious warrior,
commanding King of Kings 
Mighty conqueror,
and the only time
the only time I ever saw Him run
Was when He ran to me,
He took me in His arms 
Held my head to His chest,
said “My son’s come home again” 
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes 
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?” 
He caught me by surprise when God ran
The day I left home
I knew I’d broken His heart 
And I wondered then if things could ever be the same 
Then one night I remembered His love for me 
And down that dusty road ahead I could see 
It was the only time
 It was the only time I ever saw Him run
And then He ran to me,
He took me in His arms 
Held my head to His chest,
said “My son’s come home again” 
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes 
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?” 
He caught me by surprise as He brought me to my knees 
When God ran 
I saw Him run to me
I was so ashamed, all alone and so far away 
But now I know He’s been waiting for this day
I saw Him run to me, 
He took me in His arms 
Held my head to His chest, 
said “My son’s come home again” 
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes 
With forgiveness in His voice 
I felt His love for me again
He ran to me, 
He took me in His arms 
Held my head to His chest, 
said “My son’s come home again” 
Lifted my face, 
wiped the tears from my eyes 
With forgiveness in His voice 
He said, “Son”, 
He called me Son 
He said, “Son do you know I still love you?” 
He ran to me and then I ran to Him 
When God ran

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