I received a call form VXI yesterday. I was scheduled for an interview today.  So I woke up early today but didn’t had enough preparation. I just grab my thumb drive and just print my resume before I went to Walter Mart, where the venue of the interview is. Thank you Lord for the wisdom that you have given me during the interview. I know that  you  are with me during the process of the interview. I met Catherine, one of the applicant on that day. We were together from the initial interview. Then  we took the exam together. Then the second interview. We passed all the process. Both of us were supposed to be schedule for the final process together on Monday. But one of the expected applicant didn’t come so the recruiter decided to I am the one who will take the slot. Catherine was sent home and she will just come back on Monday. The recruiter told us that they will indorse us on the same account. Which means that we might my batch mates if ever we both pass the final interview of the account managers. Thank you Lord for the new friend that I met. Though it was just a short period of time. Lord sorry because I haven’t had a chance to share the gospel to her. I hope Lord that we could met again so that I will have the chance and I will make sure to witness to her.Going back to the recruitment process, Raquel (if I spelled it right), the recruiter indorsed me to fill the slot to the Berlitz. Berlitz is a language assessment via phone. You will be talking to an American and they ask you some questions. This questions is for you to keep on talking. While you are having a conversation with then they will assess you on how fluent you are in the English language. As I took this assessment memories from the past comes back. This was not the first time that I took Berlitz. I have taken this assessment before on my previous company. Though I passed it by that time, I still felt nervous. I had this expectation for myself that since I passed before I should be able to pass it now. Though I haven’t really got the result I assume that I passed. Because I was scheduled for my final interview supposedly by Monday but as I went home the recruiter contacted me to informed me that I was moved to Tuesday. Lord no matter what happen to that interview may Your be done. I will give all my best but if it’s not Your will for me then it will just end up for nothing. I hope that whatever happens, may Your holy name will always be lifted up.
            After the interview I went straight to Ptr’s house to prepare the power point. Unfortunately I wasn’t  to do it since I don’t the copy of the songs. SO I just help Jonel in preparing the things that they will needing for the games for our Christmas party tomorrow. I didn’t join them to their practice because I really tired so I went home ahead of them.

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