After the small celebration at Shella’s house I have to bring Rachel to their home since it was raining and she doesn’t have an umbrella. As we walk on our way then the heartfelt conversation started. Time just run so fast so we stayed in front of their gate to continue our conversation while the rain keeps on falling from the sky. She finally told me the word that I been waiting since last week. She finally told me that was really hurt with the words that I spoken to her last Saturday. She was surprised that I actually knew it. Instead of being sad or get hurt of what she told I just felt to relief and happy. Why? Maybe because I know how stupid and tactless I am. I just can’t keep my mouth from speaking up. Though I know in the first place that she will get hurt. And what’s the best thing to do? Of course to apologize. Not because I need to but because I mean to. I am sincere and thank God that She has a forgiving heart. Thank you Rachel for accepting my apology and accepting for whoever I am. We have talked a lot of thing during that night though they are to personal that I can’t just share it to this blog. Let me end up this post with this personal prayer. 
Thank you Lord for giving me an honest friend in the person of Rachel.Thank you because I know that she understands me.
Thank you that i can open up some thing to her.
Thank you for the courage that you have given her to rebuke me and correct me whenever it is necessary.
She might not be a strong person as I am, yet she has all the guts to say right in front of my face that I am being irrational.
Thank you for giving me a companion.
Sorry Lord that there are time that I have to lie.
Sorry for not being true to the people around me and even to myself.
Lord I know that Jinky and Rachel and you gift to me.
Then you will also the one that will help us to pass the test of time.
Lord help me and teach me to be true to them and specially to myself.
Help me and give me courage to stand up for what is right and what is according to your will.
Father, I have done horrible things today that only you and me have to know.
I have fell into my weakness again.
I hope and I pray that tomorrow is a brand new start.
Lord, help me to find male prayer partners.
Prayer partners that i an really trust and partners who could lead me close to you.
Lord, help me and give me the wisdom in living this life.
Help me and lead me to the right path. A path that will honor you and bring glory to your name.
Lord Jesus, I know that what I’m asking is to much. After all what you have done on the cross. I’m still sinning and still commit mistakes.
Help me and teach me to learn from those mistakes that I may never do then again.
Oh master and sweet savior, have mercy on your servant.
Oh loving God, may i continue to feel the abundance of your unconditional love and mercy.
May the glory. honor and praise be all to you my precious Jesus.

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