Praise the Lord for . . .
1. FEBIAS Foundation (VISION) Week Kick-off, August 9.
2. God’s favor for students of FEBIAS Child Development Center exams, Chapel hour and Parents’ Conference.
3. Enriching program and heart warming fellowship of faculty and staff and students on Teachers’ Day, August 19.
4. Fruitful Board of Trustees meeting with the Administrative Committee, August 20.
5. Umbrellas donated by Generics Pharmacy for FCB family campus use.
6. God’s favor for Music majors’ church choirs as they join concert at Phil-Am.
7. Promo opportunities in school career orientation, Christian organization and church anniversary.
8. Generous and faithful donors, alumni, ministry partners and friends.
9. On-going Intercessory Prayer Day every Monday, 2 pm, at Treasure Hall (Promotions Office).
Please pray for . . .1. God’s provision and wisdom for students as they take their Mid-term exams, August 31-Septermber 6.
2. God’s provision for FCB’s general operation.
3. God’s favor for Music students’ grand recital, September 8.
4. God wisdom for Board of Trustees Board Meeting, September 10.
5. God’s favor for senior music student recital, September 11.
6. God’s grace and wisdom for faculty as they prepare their lessons.
7. Faculty line-up for 2nd Semester.
8. God’s provision for the Academic facility development.
9. God’s enablement for the implementation of plans for Research Development.
10. God’s wisdom for the finalization of Curriculum Review process.
11. God’s enablement for Christian Education Student Association (CESA) as they work- out their plans and activities.
12. God’s favor for the celebration of FEBIAS 63rd Foundation (Vision) Week, September 19-25.
13. Promo and Student Recruitment team as they continually seek partnership with schools and churches. We are now accepting new student for 2nd Semester School Year 2011-12. Please continue to pray for more students.
14. God’s provision and wisdom as the Administration and the Board of Trustees of the College plan for the construction of a New Library building.
15. Mr. Lim as he repairs the Vision Chapel Grand Piano.
16. Procurement for a new upright piano.
17. God’s wisdom and guidance for the implementation of the transition year program towards the five year development plan.
18. God’s provision for the repair of FEBIAS Child Development Center facilities and its perimeter fence.
19. Communication System to connect all offices including making outside calls.
20. God’s blessings for our ministry partners; sustenance for FEBIAS Intercessors.
21. FCB Family, Alumni, friends and ministry partners — fruitful ministry, financial needs, health & protection.
22. Board Members, their families and ministries.