I've found this article from Manila Bulletin. I find this article good fro our environment and for our country as well. I hope that this bill will not just be implemented in a particular region but in the entire Country.
TADIAN, Mountain Province, Philippines — If love and commitment between man and woman warrants marriage, in this town, every couple applying for a license to marry will have to plant 10 trees first before their union becomes legal.
In its effort to protect its environment, town officials enacted an ordinance requiring applicants for marriage license to plant at least five tree seedlings each before their marriage license shall be released by the Municipal Registrar.
“This is for their future children. They have to plant trees – at least ten trees – first so that they will be able to effectively and efficiently contribute in the uphill climb to preserve and protect the rapidly deteriorating state of the region’s watersheds and forests,” said one barangay captain.
Under the ordinance, the barangay captain of the home barangay of either of the couple-applicants for marriage license will issue a certificate of compliance to the requirement to plant the correct number of trees in their respective villages.
In case only one of the couple applicants is a resident of the town, then the barangay chairman of the resident of the municipality shall issue the certificate of compliance so that their respective marriage license will be subsequently issued.
The barangay chairman is held liable to the fine or penalty imposed by this ordinance if he issues fraudulent certificate of compliance to the couples planning to get married in the town considering that it is his or her duty to ensure that the partners plant trees as a symbol of cooperation and love for the environment.
Violation to this ordinance shall be fine with the amount of P500 and repetition of the same shall be the basis of filing an administrative case against the barangay chairman who issues a fraudulent certificate of compliance as well as his eventual prohibition from holding public office once he is found guilty of violating the provisions of the ordinance.
To guarantee the realization of this program, the barangays shall make sure the availability of tree seedlings in their respective nurseries.
SOURCE : http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/322950/no-trees-no-marriage-license-law-passed-tadian-town