I was awaken by an unfamiliar sound
When I opened my eyes,
I saw a man I can’t recognized.
He was crossing in front of me while trying to hide from my sight
I immediately looked after you,
realizing you were no longer by my side.
At that moment the cold flown through every inch of my soul case
With weak and struggling knees,
I forced myself to get up.
Trying to confirm if everything that I see is real
But the pieces of evidences made it firm
That’s the time that cold finally hits me
I lost all my strength so I went crawling back to bed
No matter how hard I tried to stop those falling tears from my eyes
My pillow and my blanket were the witnesses how helpless I was that time.
Out of no where you showed up in font of me
I know that you know that I’m awake
You even came closer to me to confirm
for Pete’s sakes!
Dude! I can’t even look at you in the eye
There is nothing to talk about.
Nothing needs to be explained.
I get it, you are so back with your old free self.
While here I am, the cold hits me inside so bad
And probably the coldest since the last time I had.
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