Cebu is called Queen City of the South because of two things: Economical and Infrastructure Potential in the future. I disagree. Cebu is more than economical and its infrastructure potential. Cebu is Queen because of its cultural heritage and traditions, virgin beaches and beautiful views, lovely and kind people. Cebu is not just the Queen of the south, it is the Queen of the archipelago.
There are no arguments how stunning this part of the country is, the only argument is why are you still not going here?
From time to time, airfare promos like piso fare are being offered to the public. So airfare is not really the problem. Thousands of accommodations are available, may it be transient, apartments, hotels – name it and Cebu has it.
Tons of tours & packages are available online to ease your preparations. Affordable packages for group tours are being offered. Really, there is no reason for you not to visit this one of a kind place. But if you are still finding a reason to save up and visit Cebu, let me share with you another 3 reasons:
1. Rich History
Cebu is an historic part of the country. For starters it’s the home of the very first Filipino hero, Lapu-Lapu, whom is believed to be the very first Filipino who resists foreign colonization. Not only that, Cebu is the oldest city in the country. The oldest, yet its potential is yet to be seen. The oldest military defense structure, Fort San Pedro is located in this region.
2. Breathtaking Sceneries
Crystal clear water, pristine beaches and spectacular views. These are just some of the words you can describe the breathtaking sceneries in Cebu.
5 star hotels, villas and beaches surround this beautiful Province. Each one offers unique experiences. 
This luxury villa offers wellness & spa aside from their elegant villa.
It’s home of the stunning Kawasan Falls, the most elegant waterfalls in the country. It is often the last stop for your Cebu canyoneering itinerary.
Island hopping in Cebu is a must. Every island offers something you cannot imagine. The white sand is beautiful and waters are crystal clear. I would recommend Bantayan, Malapascua, Camotes and Sumilon beaches.
The view above the highest peak in Cebu, Osmena Peak, is absolutely extraordinary. The best thing is that your kids can easily trek their way up to the peak. 

3. Heart-pumping Activities

A swim with the whale sharks is an activity that an adrenaline seeker traveler will not pass on. This is just both a surreal and scary activity, exactly what they are looking for.
Canyoneering an exciting, fun and tiring adventure in the south. It is where you will be engaging in such activities as rappelling, rafting, and waterfall jumping. Most often than not, you will jump in Kawasan Falls.
Millions of people are coming in Cebu to witness the biggest festival celebration in the country, The Sinulog Festival. It is where they honour of the miraculous image of Sto. Nino.
These are the 3 main reasons why Cebu is the Queen of the Philippines and not just because of its economic potential. Aside from these 3, there are lots of things Cebuanos are proud of. Their local delicacies, communities and universities and colleges are one of the best also.
*Images from this article are not mine. These were provided by Pacific Lluxury VillascCebu
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