Star City is a 35,000 m (380,000 sq ft) amusement park in Pasay, Philippines. It is located in the reclaimed area of the Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex, part of Bay City.
It was established in 1991. Star City is an offshoot of the annual Toys and Gift Fair, a Christmas trade exhibition by the Philippine Center for International Trade and Exhibit (PhilCite) first organized in the 1976. In the 1990s under Fred Elizalde, the fair evolved into an amusement park. The new park was named Star City.
Sotto cor. Jalandoni Sts. CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City, Philippines 1300
Sales and Marketing
(02) 832-3249, 833-4484, 333-3595
School Tours
(02) 333-3596, (02) 333-3597
Ad & Promo Division
(02) 832-3248, 333-3578
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