I had the chance to watch this film through KBO.

The movie talks about 5 gays with different backgrounds. Lives full of struggles that every gays face everyday. I must say that the story talks about real issues about the LGBT community. People trying to find their place in this society.

A gay actor who is involve in a scandal. A gay bread winner. A gay executive who experience discrimination in his own work place. A paranoid gay about his health. A gay who tries to change who he is.

It may be a comedy film but it talks about real issues.

My favorite part in this movie is when Prince Stefan had his HIV testing. It really showed real stigma for PLHIV. I love hour his counselor describe what HIV is. It is a desease and not a life sentence. If you are a PLHIV you can still live long just like the others.

Another touching part is when Edgar Allan Guzman open up to his Mom and how her mom embrace him for who he is.

Main Cast: Edgar Allan Guzman, John Lapus, TJ Trinidad, Joey Paras, Prince Stefan
Director: Chris Martinez
Rating: R13
Released by : Viva Films

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