“Trust is like a mirror; you may be able to fix it when it’s broken,
but the cracks will still be visible in the reflect.”

In every relationship weather romantic or not, trust is a very important. It is a foundation of a harmonious and happy relationship between individuals. We all fail and commit mistakes.  We are not perfect. There are times that we fail to meet our commitments and that affects how we trust somebody or someone. But up to what extent can we forgive and shrug of those failures?  As another saying goes, “Trust is like a rubber eraser. It gets smaller and smaller after every mistakes.”

Trust is a very big issue to me. I easily give my trust to someone, however once its damage it is near to impossible to win it back. My mind can forget but my heart doesn’t. Admittedly I have trust issues and really have hard time about forgiveness. Often times I just isolate myself and push people away because I don’t want to build relationship to anyone and will eventually part ways from each other. This is my way of being cautious. This is my way of preventing myself from being badly hurt and self distraction.

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