Thank you Lord for the wonderful day that you have given me.
Thank you for another chance that you gave me to see the beauty of your creation.
Thank you for the air that I breath.
I have received a lot of blessing today. Thank you is not enough for me express how much I appreciate your love and faithfulness to me.
Thank you for the strength.
Thank you for the bonding time that we had with Eljay, Jabez and Rachel a while ago.
Thank you for another heart to heart talk that Rachel and I had a while ago.
Thank you that I could confide on her and share to her my “burdens”.

Lord if you really called me to be a full time worker/servant, may you continue to show me the right path to take. Continue to lead me the direction on where should I go. If it’s your will for me to go to Bible School then may your will be done. I pray Oh Lord that in everything that I do, I could bring glory to your name. Lord you know what’s inside my heart. You know how much I want to serve you. You know that you are my passion. I want to serve you with all I am. Use me mightily and effectively Oh Jesus. Use me to share and preach the gospel anywhere and every way. Help to be more like you Jesus. May this life be an offering to you my Lord.

Thank you for everything my God.
Thank you for being who you are.
Thank you because to never ever change.
In this I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

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