Army Of God
Praise God for the incredible success of this year’s Bukang Liwayway Youth Camp! The theme, “Army of God,” truly set the tone for what was an unforgettable experience. I feel so privileged and humbled to have served as one of the cabin counselors this year. From the very beginning, I could sense that God had a special plan for each of the young people who attended, and I watched in awe as He moved powerfully throughout the entire camp.
It was such a blessing to witness firsthand how God touched the hearts of so many. I saw young people coming face to face with their faith, experiencing deep convictions, and feeling the transformative power of God’s love. Throughout the camp, there were so many moments of surrender, where young hearts opened up to God in a way that was truly moving. Many of them chose to surrender their lives to Christ for the first time, while others recommitted themselves to Him, rededicating their lives and relationships to God.
The most powerful moment came on the final night, when many young people came forward to lay down the burdens they had been carrying—sins, fears, struggles, and shame. It was clear that God was doing a deep work in their hearts, breaking chains and freeing them from things they had held onto for far too long. The atmosphere was thick with the presence of the Holy Spirit, and it was overwhelming to see how God was working in such a tangible way.
Of course, the enemy didn’t take this lightly. We faced spiritual opposition and challenges throughout the camp, with things happening that seemed to hinder what God was doing. But I am reminded of one powerful truth: the God we serve is mightier than any obstacle, any attack, or any force that the enemy can bring. He is the God of victory, and we claimed that victory over every spiritual battle we faced. No matter how hard Satan tried to disrupt the camp, we stood firm in the truth that God is in control, and He is the ultimate victor.
This year’s camp was unlike any other. The theme of “Army of God” was intense and bold, and it brought with it a level of spiritual warfare that we had not encountered in previous years. The battle was real, but the victory was even greater. I am so thankful for God’s faithfulness in seeing us through every challenge, and I know that the impact of this camp will be felt for years to come. It was a season of growth, breakthrough, and transformation for everyone involved.
To God be all the glory, honor, and praise! He is the One who made all things possible, and it is through His grace and power that this camp was a success. I am in awe of the work He is doing in the lives of these young people, and I can’t wait to see how He continues to move in their lives in the days ahead. Thank you, Lord, for this amazing experience and for being the God who gives victory. All the glory belongs to You!

By eddonthenet

Edd describes himself as an asocial and acerbic individual. He began blogging in 2007 on Blogspot, long before blogging became a widespread trend. Initially, his blog served as an online diary—a personal journal where he shared his experiences, thoughts, and travels. Over time, his blog evolved into a space where he could express his random musings and reflections. This personal blog doesn’t focus on any specific niche, but instead, it’s a collection of his diverse interests and feelings. Edd created the blog purely as a hobby, with no particular intention of aligning it with any particular theme or audience. It remains a platform for him to write about whatever crosses his mind, with a style that is uniquely his own—raw, honest, and unapologetic. Through the years, the blog has served as a creative outlet, allowing Edd to document his personal journey while sharing bits of his life and thoughts with the world.

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