The photos above is a photo taken yesterday when I watch the said film. This doesn’t mean that the movie is flap. In fact the movie is certified box office hit. On March 3, Star Cinema announced that the film has grossed ₱341 million worldwide. I just intended to watch the movie on it’s fourth week and on a time that I thought there were less people to avoid the crowd. though it’s already on it’s forth week fans and movie goers still continue to patronize the movie in different cinemas nation wide.
It tells the story of Cali (Liza Soberano) a blogger who owns the blog, “The Bakit List”, and her ex-boyfriend Gio (Enrique Gil). who will return to her life unexpectedly and surprisingly.
The film is a story of forgiveness, trust and second chances. A lot of people who have been hurt before and those who have “trust issues” like me can surely relate to this movie.
Is it possible for a man to change (particularly to Gio)? Because of this question Cali was challenged put Gio into series of traps to prove that the ‘changed man’ in fake. Cali becomes unmindful of her action and the consequences of it to her and to the people around her.
The film really would pinch your heart.
I love how LizQuen tandem matures through the years.
I have to give a special mention to Ryan Bang. Though he have struggle with word I love how he delivers his punch lines. They were just so natural.
This another film that will make you laugh and cry.
Another great direction from Cathy Garcia-Molina.
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