Music helps me escape from the reality I live in
Music helps me escape from the reality I live in
Music helps me escape from the reality I live in
I don’t usually go out on this day. I normally spend it at work or with my bhesty and some other very close friends. But this year I tried something…
It has been a month ago since you told me those words. But here I am, I still haven’t moved on. Still wishing and hoping that those words were really…
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to…
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.– William Wordsworth
“Pain is temporary- The pain you feel today is only to get strength to face tomorrow.” ― Sivaprakash Sidhu
“One thing is undeniably clear. We have all had bad experiences, we have all had tragedies in our lives which help to shape who we are.” ― J Loren Norris
“The pain started years ago, but I’d lived with it for so long at that point that I’d accepted it as an inevitable part of me.” ― Ashley D. Wallis,…
Don’t Let others define your happiness. It is your choice!