Knowing Gamaliel
I’m having my morning and writing my journal base on Acts 5 today when I attention was caught by the wise Pharisee name Gamaliel. Who is Gamaliel? Here’s a…
The Best Choice!
Some people say follow your heart… Some says follow what’s on your mind… But neither of these I followed for Jeremiah 17:9 says "The heart is deceitful above all things…
Sunday : A Day of Liberty
From work I will drop by on a fast food chain to buy food for take out. Go straight a head to Church then created the power point…
Time with New Officemates
Today’s shift was a bit fun and “petics mode”. Our tools are having trouble due too the updates that is going on. Because of this the last two hours of…
If ever I would marry someone someday this is what I';m looking for…
“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him…
Finish the Work You Gave Me to Do
John 17:4, a photo by edis0n001 on Flickr. Lord, when I see you someday I want to say this exact words that Jesus declared. I want to give you glory…
Ask and You Will Recieve
John 16:24, a photo by edis0n001 on Flickr. Dear Lord, thank you for your promises.In the name of Jesus I ask for wisdom and your continues provision. Lord I want…
Made for an other world
made for an other world, a photo by edis0n001 on Flickr. If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is…
Do Not Let Your Hearts be Troubled
In my life I always have troubles. Wether it is in work, church and personal. I get troubled whenever I think if the future. Lord, you are telling me right…
He Showed It in Full Extent
John 13, a photo by edis0n001 on Flickr. Lord, thank you. Your love is not merely promises. Your love is true, active and always in action. Lord, I am so…
The Resurrection and the Life
John 11, a photo by edis0n001 on Flickr. Only to You Oh Lord is my Salvation. You the life and the resurrection. Thank you for another blessing and and another…
You have the words of eternal life
Just like the answer of Simon Peter, I hope and I pray that I would have the same courage and conviction. Through of people turn their backs and did not…
May I always find what pleases You
There are times that easily place/pass judgement to other people base on my own standards or the standards of this world. Having that kind of judgement is completely wrong. Most…
You are all I really need
There are time that I get thirst for a lot of things. I crave for material things. I crave and I want wordly things. Jesus offer a living water. An…
He must become greater; I must become less
A lot of times I felt pressured with the expectations fo other people in the Church. I felt that I should always be at my best all the time. I…
I am Yours!
The lord knows who are His. People always needs to see things before they believe. People usually ask for something or miracle before they believe. Yet this belief doesn’t have…
Your Grace and Love
It’s a great blessing that we are no longer under the law but by the grace of God. This means that we can now have a direct relationship with the…