Sleep sleep sleep
Sleep sleep sleep.That’s what I want.That’s what I need,
Sleep sleep sleep.That’s what I want.That’s what I need,
#ItsMoreFunWithTheSun day 3 is over. Thank God for the opportunity to serve
Is it really raining? Hopefully it will ease the hot weather.. I really to sleep. 😉
Just woke up to early again.
Bored again. What to do where to go?
RT @prayerbullets: Let Your peace guard my heart and mind -Phil. 4:7 #Prayer
Just woke up in the middle of the night 🙁
Job’s Final Defense Job continued his discourse: 2 “How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me,3 when his lamp shone on my…
Just got home. Ang Una Kong na sabi “Ang unit!!”
When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.