The Liebster Award is an online award given to relatively new bloggers by other bloggers. Liebster is a German word that translates to “dearest” so getting nominated for this is bound to give you a warm, fuzzy feeling.
How does it work? (Please note that rules are flexible)
- Write a blogpost about your nomination, typically displays an image of the award (design may vary).
- Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you asked you in his/her blogpost.
- Nominate 5-11 other starting bloggers who you think deserve this award, and come up with 11 questions of your own for them to answer.
- List these rules in your blogpost.
I was recently nominated for LIEBSTER AWARD. Thank you siddharthandshruti.com for the nomination.
Here are our 11 questions for me:
- Which is your next destination? Why?
I don’t have an exact destination yet. But I will sure be exploring local destinations here in my country, the Philippines. I don’t normally plan my travels “too much”. I just go with the flow. It depend on what I feel and what I need. It could be in the beach or mountains as long as it’s close to nature. - What do you do when the weather screws up your itinerary?
Whenever I set an itinerary, I always have a back up plan. Most of the time I create an “instant itinerary” with the of google. - What has been your most memorable travel moment?
When I had camping in Japan. That was my very first out of the country travel. - Which items is a must-pack for every trip?
It depends on my destination. but these are the things that is always in my carry on bag : Cash, ID’s, pen and notepad and Phone and power bank - Have you ever been lost? How did you deal with it?
Yeah, Kept calm. enjoyed the experience. I didn’t hesitate to asked questions. - What would you rather choose – a summer holiday or winter holiday? lounging on the beach or skiing?
Summer holiday. I prefer to travel where I can explore the nature. - Which destination would you never go to?
Can’t think of anything at this time - What songs are on your road trip playlist?
My typical playlist consist of pop, jazz and acoustic songs. - If you win the lottery, what would you splurge on?
Travel, travel and travel - Do you prefer traveling alone or with someone?
With someone. - Guided tours – Yay or Nay?
Nay if with someone, Yay f alone.
Now that we have answered the questions, here are my Liebster award nominations :
- travelgyms
- lifestylenowadays.com
- shouttermouth.com
- www.heyitsvinz.com
- niksdeasis
- cassidysadventures
- joysofyz
- blogginghawks
- happilytanned
- yowomaniya
- smartdory
- What do you wanna accomplish by blogging?
- How important is Internet for you?
- When you travel do you prefer to read books or listen to music?
- What is that one thing that you can’t live without?
- Do you have any phobias, and what do you think caused them?
- What did you do and play as a child?
- Do you like or dislike meeting new people? Why?
- What’s your favourite season of the year? And why?
- If you could have any famous person to dinner, who would it be and why?
- If you could learn a new language right now without any practice, which one would it be and why?