This is a personal message/greetings for Pastor Sonny Yaco.

I am sure that by this time a lot of people were already greeted you for your special birthday. I have decided not to send you a text message since that would others will do. Instead, I have decided to post my message on this blog. I am not even sure if you will be able to read this but I hope that you will.
I just want to say that I really appreciate you being a pastor and also a mentor. I thank God that He sent you here in Malabon and to serve here. I have learned a lot of things from you. I thank God that I could find guidance from you. I may not be the type of person who opens up with you, but you have used by God to constantly remind me to live a Godly life and walk according to the will of God. I thank God for those instances that your advices made a great influence in my decision making (I am sure that you don’t know that but you did).I don’t want this message to be too long and too dramatic. My only prayer is that may our Almighty God continue to pour out His endless blessing to you and your family. May He bless you with longer life so that you could serve Him more here in Malabon or even to other part of the world where He will lead you. God bless!

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