Walk Thru the Old Testament
I’ve just got home from our disciple training in Jubilee Evangelical Church. Today we’ve studied about “Understanding the church”. Pastor Gil Balignasay was our teacher for this particular course. We’ve…
New Life in Christ
I just came from our Morning Devotion at Miel garments. I have learned a lot from our devotion today. Specially when Bro. Danny joined us. He shared the eight “un”…
Morning Devotion
1 A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He takes me to lush pastures, he leads me to refreshing water. 3 He restores my…
Doing My Passion
I really had a great time today. I’m so blessed with everything that happened today. I woke up early and so excited to go to Church today. Thank you Lord…
Rise Up Philippines National Worship Conference
This day is completely tiring. We attended the Rise Up Philippines national Worship Conference 2011 at JCSGO (Jesus Christ Saves Global Outreach) Seed dome, 15th Ave. Cubao Quezon City. We…
Happy Birthday Pastor Sonny!
This is a personal message/greetings for Pastor Sonny Yaco. I am sure that by this time a lot of people were already greeted you for your special birthday. I have…
My Evening Prayer
Thank You Lord for another chance that you have given to be able to attend our prayer meeting tonight. Thank you that I could pray for the Church. Thank you…
My Evening Prayer
Thank you Lord for another chance that you have given me to be able to attend our prayer meeting and pray for the Church. Thank you for speaking to us…
My Evening Prayer
My beloved dear Father, I take you for this wonderful Sunday. Thank you for all the things that happened today. Thank you for the joy that you gave me. Thank…
Not My Ordinary Sunday
I am sure that I haven’t had enough sleep today. Last night when I check the time before I went to bed it was already 1:30 in the morning. Then…