From work I will drop by on a fast food chain to buy food for take out. Go straight a head to Church then created the power point presentation then followed by the worship Service. After the worship go out for lunch or stay at Pastor’s house and have lunch there. By 2:00 Pm I have to be back for our youth fellowship. After the fellowship go back to Pastors house for our journal reporting then followed by our dinner together. The rest will be our bonding time with the other youth leaders. This has been my routine for the pass few weeks of months. For an ordinary single young man this might be boring and tiring. Sunday is my liberty day. A day were I am free to enjoy life and do whatever I want to do. A day where I always look forward in each week. Honestly there are times that I felt tired with this kind of routine but whenever I am there I don’t feel it anymore until I arrive home and reach my bed. Sunday is a very specially day for me. This is the day were I can serve and worship the Lord. This is the day were I can spend plenty of time with my friends. How I wish that everyday is a Sunday were everyone is free and I could always spend time with them. This day very short for me.
For this Sunday our fellowship is cleaning fellowship. We cleaned and prepared our new fellowship place. Together with the other young people. It was tiring and very fun. For everyone participated and did their part. I saw their willingness to help. I saw the unity that we had during that time. Though everyone is tired the smile on their lips were priceless. I hope and I pray that we always have this kind of unity in serving the Lord.
Lord I thank you for my loving friend and brothers and sisters. I thank you for Abby, April, Shella, Jinky, Rachel, Ruther, Eljay, Joel and even to Joel. These people made my life more colorful and meaningful. Whenever I’m with theme I always feel that I belong. I always feel that I’m not alone. I thank you for the life of other young people. I thank you for the opportunity to minister in their lives. Thank you for the things that I have and even for the things that I don’t have. For all things work together for our good. There are a lot of things that I should be thankful of but word will never be enough.