Too late for you to know
I wanted to talk to you but I have really nothing to say
I am loss for words whenever you are on my way
I enjoy watching you smile from very simple things
For the sound of your laughter is pleasing to my ears
When we are together my world stops for a while
I forget about all the pains and dullness in life
I enjoy every second of our time together
Weather for a cup of coffee or a bottle of wine
Whenever I’m with you there seems to be no timeline
Everything goes and I know everything will be fine
I haven’t even notice that the time flies so fast
As long as I’m stuck with you I never wanted it to last
I have told you that I like you for countless times
Since the first day that I saw you through my naked eyes
It then started a riot inside my heart
The picture of your smile since then have fastened in my mind
I’m so afraid to tell you what I’m going through
I never had the courage to tell you the truth
And now it is too late even for you to know
That I’m in love you and I don’t know how to move on
I may be in anguish but there is no bitterness at all
Seeing you happy with him compensate it all
You are an amazing man as I always told you so
You deserve all the happiness that you have been searching for
I can’t command my heart to stop loving you
So only time can tell if I will ever forget you
But as I wait for that moment let me just remind you
I am still that “cool Blithe” that you used to know
#TooLateForYouToKnow #NocturnalSaint #BlitheFreak #BlitheThoughts
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