December 21, 2011 – the first day of my training at VXI Waltermart, a day that marked the beginning of what would become a decade-long journey. I never imagined that, 10 years later, I would still be here, reflecting on the many challenges and triumphs along the way. The road to this milestone hasn’t been easy, and it’s certainly not been a smooth ride. If anything, it’s been a roller coaster of experiences, both good and bad. There were moments when I felt overwhelmed, stressed, and ready to throw in the towel. Throughout the years, I faced countless NTEs (Notices to Explain), coaching logs, and even final written warnings. There were times when I doubted myself, unsure if I could continue, but somehow, I kept going.
Looking back, each challenge I encountered only made me stronger. The constant pressure to meet targets, the long hours, and the sometimes difficult interactions with colleagues and clients were all tests that I had to face head-on. It wasn’t easy, and there were days when I felt like giving up, but I learned to persevere. Each setback was a lesson, and each accomplishment, no matter how small, fueled my determination to keep moving forward.
Now, after all the stress, anxieties, and sleepless nights, I stand here, still standing strong. Ten years later, I realize how much this job has shaped me, both personally and professionally. It’s not just a workplace; it has become my second home. The relationships I’ve built here, the experiences I’ve had, and the growth I’ve undergone are things I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Cheers to 10 years of hard work, dedication, and resilience. Here’s to many more!
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