Year End Letter To Self
Year End Letter To Self

Dear self,

It’s okay if you feel a little lost as the year draws closer. Achievements aren’t always about medals or recognition. Sometimes, it’s about surviving the storms, the silent battles you fought, and the moments when you felt like giving up but didn’t. This year was tough, and you stood your ground. That’s worth celebrating.

Remember how you picked yourself up when things fell apart? How did you keep going even when doubt whispered louder than hope? That resilience is a testament to your strength. So, stand tall. Keep believing in yourself, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. Don’t lose sight of the dreams tucked away in your heart. Hold tight to your faith—it has carried you through before, and it will again.

As you turn the page to a new chapter, take the lessons and scars with you. They’ve shaped you into someone wiser, stronger, and braver. Let them fuel your journey forward. Better days are waiting—they always are, even when it feels otherwise.

So, tonight, breathe deeply. Look back not with regret but with gratitude for how far you’ve come. Tap yourself on the back—you’ve earned it. Celebrate not just what you’ve done, but who you are becoming. Lift a glass to a brighter, happier, healthier new year.

You did well this year. You’ll do even better in the next.

With love and pride,


By eddonthenet

Edd describes himself as an asocial and acerbic individual. He began blogging in 2007 on Blogspot, long before blogging became a widespread trend. Initially, his blog served as an online diary—a personal journal where he shared his experiences, thoughts, and travels. Over time, his blog evolved into a space where he could express his random musings and reflections. This personal blog doesn’t focus on any specific niche, but instead, it’s a collection of his diverse interests and feelings. Edd created the blog purely as a hobby, with no particular intention of aligning it with any particular theme or audience. It remains a platform for him to write about whatever crosses his mind, with a style that is uniquely his own—raw, honest, and unapologetic. Through the years, the blog has served as a creative outlet, allowing Edd to document his personal journey while sharing bits of his life and thoughts with the world.

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